Learn more about the beloved Georgia Educational Technology Conference! The premier education event of the year that thousands have come to love!


The Georgia Educational Technology Conference (GaETC), an annual event, is sponsored by the Georgia Educational Technology Consortium, Inc. The Conference chair is appointed by the Consortium’s Board President to lead the Steering Committee, which organizes the annual Conference. The Board, the Steering Committee, and the various sub-committees are composed of unpaid volunteers. The Board contracts with McRae Conferences & Trade Shows of Tallahassee to manage the exhibits and conference registration.
GaETC is dedicated to the professional development of educators. For more than three decades, the Conference has played a key role in helping educators at all levels increase their understanding of the role of technology in education. The Conference provides educators the opportunity to learn about the latest in educational technology and offers a forum for discussion among professionals concerned with technology in education. GaETC offers over 250 concurrent sessions and nationally known speakers and presenters, focusing on the latest in technological innovations and software, and over 200 commercial exhibits featuring state-of-the-art technology.
GaETC is open to any individuals interested in educational technology. There is no typical organizational structure–no membership dues and no membership list. The descriptions of concurrent sessions will be published in the GaETC conference app, available in the Apple Store and Google Play.
The Conference was first held in 1989 at the Ironworks Convention and Trade Center in Columbus. After a few years, it moved to the Macon Centreplex Trade and Convention Center. In 2001, the conference moved to the Savannah International Trade and Convention Center for two years and then returned to Macon for two years before moving to the Georgia International Convention Center in College Park in 2005.


The Georgia Educational Technology Conference (GaETC), an annual event, is sponsored by the Georgia Educational Technology Consortium, Inc. The Conference chair is appointed by the Consortium’s Board of Directors to lead the Steering Committee, which organizes the annual Conference.  The Board, the Steering Committee, and the various sub-committees are composed of unpaid volunteers. The Board contracts with McRae Conferences & Trade Shows of Tallahassee to manage the exhibits and conference registration.
GaETC is dedicated to the professional development of educators. For more than two decades, the Conference has played a key role in helping educators at all levels increase their understanding of the role of technology in education. The Conference provides educators the opportunity to learn about the latest in educational technology and offers a forum for discussion among professionals concerned with technology in education. GaETC offers almost 250 concurrent sessions, nationally known speakers and presenters, workshops focusing on the latest in technological innovations and software, and over 200 commercial exhibits featuring state-of-the-art technology.
GaETC is open to any individuals interested in educational technology. There is no typical organizational structure–no membership dues and no membership list. Those who have attended a recent conference or who have filled out our online form requesting information will receive updates through emails and postal mail. The descriptions of concurrent sessions and workshops will be available in the conference program and on this website.
The Conference was first held in 1989 at the Ironworks Convention and Trade Center in Columbus. After a few years, it moved to the Macon Centreplex Trade and Convention Center. In 2001, the conference moved to the Savannah International Trade and Convention Center for two years and then returned to Macon for two years before moving to the Georgia International Convention Center in College Park in 2005.

steering committee MEMBERs


For a number of years the Metro West and East Georgia Learning Resources System (GLRS) Centers and the Department of Special Education of Georgia State University, along with the statewide Georgia Regional Educational Service Agencies (RESA) Computer Coordinators Group, co-sponsored an annual conference, Microcomputer Applications in Education. Although the original focus of this conference was special education, it rapidly began to draw large numbers of regular education teachers

In 1989, the RESA Network Computer Coordinators Group worked cooperatively with the Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE), Office of Instructional Programs, and the GLRS Network to develop a new educational technology conference. The overall goal of the first conference was to provide participants with a quality learning experience through “exposure to peers who were effectively using technology in instructional settings, to nationally recognized leaders in the field, and to commercial exhibits which provided information on state-of-the-art hardware, software, and uses of technology.”

At that time, technology, especially computer and video technology, was beginning to have a significant impact on society and was proving to be an effective aid in both delivery and management of instruction in America’s schools. As these technologies expanded, it became essential that a mechanism be developed to promote acceptance, to share productive applications for students, teachers, administrators, and student support personnel, and to plan for future applications.

In early 1988, a meeting was held with William Johnson, Assistant Superintendent for General and Vocational Education, GaDOE, to discuss the need for such a conference and to request funding assistance and other departmental support in addressing this need. Weyman Culp, GaDOE, coordinated the arrangements for the meeting, and those attending included RESA Technology Coordinators Jimmy Adams, Bill Carmichael, and Bob Smith, as well as GaDOE personnel Weyman Culp and Brenda Tapp. Based on the information provided by this group of individuals and the support of William Johnson, GaDOE agreed to provide a $4,900 grant for organizing and conducting a statewide educational technology conference.

Initially, the planning group considered holding a one-day drive-in conference in the fall of 1988. However, based on the discussion and rationale presented in the meeting, the decision was made to plan a multi-day conference to be held in the spring of 1989. It was further agreed that First District RESA would serve as fiscal agent for the conference with Faye Adams as treasurer. Brenda Tapp was designated as Conference Chair, and William Johnson was recognized as Honorary Conference Chair. The GaDOE and the RESAs were the sponsoring agencies. It was determined that the program design and format from the Microcomputers in Education Conference should be retained to help with the transition.

Jimmy Adams and Phyllis Tweed, both from First District RESA, served as Program Chair and Facilities/Sponsors Chair. A Program Committee consisting of local educational agency (LEA) representatives from across the state and across curricular areas was identified to plan the content for the first conference. Strands were developed for the major curricular areas as well as for special education and administration.

While program development was underway, arrangements were made to hold the conference in the Iron Works Convention and Trade Center in Columbus, Georgia, and vendors were contacted about exhibiting at the conference. When the program content was completed, Pete Seabolt, Pioneer RESA, and Brenda Tapp prepared the program for printing at Metro RESA.

The general consensus of the Conference Committee was that a goal of 350 attendees would be reasonable, although materials were prepared for 500 “just in case.” There were approximately 20 exhibitors at the conference, and the attendance was over 650. At the conclusion of the conference, a balance of approximately $10,000 was available with which to conduct a second conference. Following a meeting at the Georgia Department of Education, which included representatives of several LEAs as well as DOE representatives and leaders from the 1989 conference, the conference was renamed The Georgia Educational Technology Conference (GaETC).


Brenda Tapp continued as Conference Chair through the 1990 and 1991 Conferences. In 1992, Tom Dickson, Whitfield County Schools, became Conference Chair. In addition, for the 1992 conference, contracts were entered into with Jane Spencer for publication of the conference program and with McRae and Company for management of the exhibits and registration. Beginning in 1993, Mark Cheek, CSRA RESA, became Conference Chair and served in this capacity through 1996.


Participation at the conference continued to increase, necessitating the decision in 1996 to move to the Macon CentrePlex to provide more space for the growing conference. During this period of time, the program grew to over 200 concurrent sessions, and approximately 150 vendors were supporting the conference. Wayne Robinson, Walker County Schools, succeeded Mark Cheek as Conference Chair for the years 1997-1999. Concurrent sessions averaged around 200 per year during this period, and by 1999, exhibitors exceeded 200.
A 10th Anniversary Celebration was held in 1998, and the key players from the first years of the conference were invited to attend the anniversary reception and were recognized for their contributions to the success and growth of the GaETC. This was also the first year that staff development credit was officially offered to conference participants. In 2000, Donna Herring became the fifth Conference Chair, and Mark Cheek was elected first President of the newly formed Georgia Educational Technology Consortium. They continued in these roles through 2002.


The Conference experienced another major change in 2001, with a move to Savannah, where it remained for two years. Following the 2002 Conference, Ray Jordan, Turner County, was named Conference Chair, and Wayne Robinson assumed the duties of Consortium President. The decisions to return to Macon for GaETC 2003 and to change the date to February were also made, and logos for the Consortium and the Conference were adopted.  In 2004, the Board named Vicki Rogers the Conference Chair. After a spring conference, the Board scheduled a second conference in 2004 in November to begin a series of November conferences.
Brenda Tapp continued as Conference Chair through the 1990 and 1991 Conferences. In 1992, Tom Dickson, Whitfield County Schools, became Conference Chair. In addition, for the 1992 conference, contracts were entered into with Jane Spencer for publication of the conference program and with McRae and Company for management of the exhibits and registration. Beginning in 1993, Mark Cheek, CSRA RESA, became Conference Chair and served in this capacity through 1996.


 In 2005, under the leadership of Vicki Rogers, the Conference was moved to the Georgia International Convention Center in College Park.  Traci Redish of Kennesaw State University ETC was appointed the Conference chair in 2007.  In 2010, the Consortium Board named Brian Blanton of Henry County Schools the Conference chair. Hoke Wilcox of Fulton County Schools became the chair in 2013. And in 2016, Jaw Cawley, of Morgan County Schools, became the conference chair.

2019 and Beyond

From 2019-2021, Jill Hobson, of Gainesville City Schools, performed the duties of conference chair. The two associate chairs for the conference were David Beeland, of Barrow County Schools, and Kate Crawford, of Fayette County Schools. Jill successfully led the conference through very adverse conditions during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, including a completely virtual conference in 2020. Due to her efforts and those of other volunteers, the conference continued without interruption with the same level of quality that it has been known for over 30 years. Dr. David Beeland, recently retired from the Barrow County School System, after 29 years in K-12 education served as the conference chair for the years 2022-2023. Associate chairs during this time included Kate Crawford, recently retired from Fayette County Schools, and Jenna Dunaway, Director of Special Education for the Thomaston-Upson School System. Kate Crawford is the current conference chair and will serve for the years 2024-2026. Her Associate Conference Chairs are Jenna Dunaway and Tracina Wyatt. Jenna serves as Director of Special Education for the Thomaston-Upson School System and Tracina serves as Instructional Technology Coordinator for Henry County Schools in the metro Atlanta area.


For a number of years the Metro West and East Georgia Learning Resources System (GLRS) Centers and the Department of Special Education of Georgia State University, along with the statewide Georgia Regional Educational Service Agencies (RESA) Computer Coordinators Group, co-sponsored an annual conference, Microcomputer Applications in Education. Although the original focus of this conference was special education, it rapidly began to draw large numbers of regular education teachers

In 1989, the RESA Network Computer Coordinators Group worked cooperatively with the Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE), Office of Instructional Programs, and the GLRS Network to develop a new educational technology conference. The overall goal of the first conference was to provide participants with a quality learning experience through “exposure to peers who were effectively using technology in instructional settings, to nationally recognized leaders in the field, and to commercial exhibits which provided information on state-of-the-art hardware, software, and uses of technology.”

At that time, technology, especially computer and video technology, was beginning to have a significant impact on society and was proving to be an effective aid in both delivery and management of instruction in America’s schools. As these technologies expanded, it became essential that a mechanism be developed to promote acceptance, to share productive applications for students, teachers, administrators, and student support personnel, and to plan for future applications.

In early 1988, a meeting was held with William Johnson, Assistant Superintendent for General and Vocational Education, GaDOE, to discuss the need for such a conference and to request funding assistance and other departmental support in addressing this need. Weyman Culp, GaDOE, coordinated the arrangements for the meeting, and those attending included RESA Technology Coordinators Jimmy Adams, Bill Carmichael, and Bob Smith, as well as GaDOE personnel Weyman Culp and Brenda Tapp. Based on the information provided by this group of individuals and the support of William Johnson, GaDOE agreed to provide a $4,900 grant for organizing and conducting a statewide educational technology conference.

Initially, the planning group considered holding a one-day drive-in conference in the fall of 1988. However, based on the discussion and rationale presented in the meeting, the decision was made to plan a multi-day conference to be held in the spring of 1989. It was further agreed that First District RESA would serve as fiscal agent for the conference with Faye Adams as treasurer. Brenda Tapp was designated as Conference Chair, and William Johnson was recognized as Honorary Conference Chair. The GaDOE and the RESAs were the sponsoring agencies. It was determined that the program design and format from the Microcomputers in Education Conference should be retained to help with the transition.

Jimmy Adams and Phyllis Tweed, both from First District RESA, served as Program Chair and Facilities/Sponsors Chair. A Program Committee consisting of local educational agency (LEA) representatives from across the state and across curricular areas was identified to plan the content for the first conference. Strands were developed for the major curricular areas as well as for special education and administration.

While program development was underway, arrangements were made to hold the conference in the Iron Works Convention and Trade Center in Columbus, Georgia, and vendors were contacted about exhibiting at the conference. When the program content was completed, Pete Seabolt, Pioneer RESA, and Brenda Tapp prepared the program for printing at Metro RESA.

The general consensus of the Conference Committee was that a goal of 350 attendees would be reasonable, although materials were prepared for 500 “just in case.” There were approximately 20 exhibitors at the conference, and the attendance was over 650. At the conclusion of the conference, a balance of approximately $10,000 was available with which to conduct a second conference. Following a meeting at the Georgia Department of Education, which included representatives of several LEAs as well as DOE representatives and leaders from the 1989 conference, the conference was renamed The Georgia Educational Technology Conference (GaETC).


Brenda Tapp continued as Conference Chair through the 1990 and 1991 Conferences. In 1992, Tom Dickson, Whitfield County Schools, became Conference Chair. In addition, for the 1992 conference, contracts were entered into with Jane Spencer for publication of the conference program and with McRae and Company for management of the exhibits and registration. Beginning in 1993, Mark Cheek, CSRA RESA, became Conference Chair and served in this capacity through 1996.


Participation at the conference continued to increase, necessitating the decision in 1996 to move to the Macon CentrePlex to provide more space for the growing conference. During this period of time, the program grew to over 200 concurrent sessions, and approximately 150 vendors were supporting the conference. Wayne Robinson, Walker County Schools, succeeded Mark Cheek as Conference Chair for the years 1997-1999. Concurrent sessions averaged around 200 per year during this period, and by 1999, exhibitors exceeded 200.
A 10th Anniversary Celebration was held in 1998, and the key players from the first years of the conference were invited to attend the anniversary reception and were recognized for their contributions to the success and growth of the GaETC. This was also the first year that staff development credit was officially offered to conference participants. In 2000, Donna Herring became the fifth Conference Chair, and Mark Cheek was elected first President of the newly formed Georgia Educational Technology Consortium. They continued in these roles through 2002.


The Conference experienced another major change in 2001, with a move to Savannah, where it remained for two years. Following the 2002 Conference, Ray Jordan, Turner County, was named Conference Chair, and Wayne Robinson assumed the duties of Consortium President. The decisions to return to Macon for GaETC 2003 and to change the date to February were also made, and logos for the Consortium and the Conference were adopted.  In 2004, the Board named Vicki Rogers the Conference Chair. After a spring conference, the Board scheduled a second conference in 2004 in November to begin a series of November conferences.
Brenda Tapp continued as Conference Chair through the 1990 and 1991 Conferences. In 1992, Tom Dickson, Whitfield County Schools, became Conference Chair. In addition, for the 1992 conference, contracts were entered into with Jane Spencer for publication of the conference program and with McRae and Company for management of the exhibits and registration. Beginning in 1993, Mark Cheek, CSRA RESA, became Conference Chair and served in this capacity through 1996.


 In 2005, under the leadership of Vicki Rogers, the Conference was moved to the Georgia International Convention Center in College Park.  Traci Redish of Kennesaw State University ETC was appointed the Conference chair in 2007.  In 2010, the Consortium Board named Brian Blanton of Henry County Schools the Conference chair. Hoke Wilcox of Fulton County Schools became the chair in 2013.

2019 and Beyond

From 2019-2021, Jill Hobson, of Gainesville City Schools, performed the duties of conference chair. The two associate chairs for the conference were David Beeland, of Barrow County Schools, and Kate Crawford, of Fayette County Schools. Jill successfully led the conference through very adverse conditions during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, including a completely virtual conference in 2020. Due to her efforts and those of other volunteers, the conference continued without interruption with the same level of quality that it has been known for over 30 years. Dr. David Beeland, recently retired from the Barrow County School System, after 29 years in K-12 education served as the conference chair for the years 2022-2023. Associate chairs during this time will included Kate Crawford, recently retired from Fayette County Schools, and Jenna Dunaway, Director of Special Education for the Thomaston-Upson School System. Kate Crawford next became the conference chair and will serve for the years 2024-2026. Her Associate Conference Chairs will be Jenna Dunaway and Tracina Wyatt, who is employed by the Henry County School System.