Shannon McClintock Miller is an international speaker, consultant and author who has a passion for education, librarianship, advocacy, technology, social media and making a difference in the world and lives of others, especially children. Shannon brings a special expertise and vision to conversations around school libraries, education, technology, creativity and student voice.
Shannon is the K-12 Teacher Librarian at Van Meter Community School in Iowa and Future Ready Librarians Spokesperson working with students, librarians, educators and others around the world every day. She is Buncee’s Librarian Advisor, a Capstone author and blogger and Skype Educator. Shannon is the author of the award winning The Library Voice blog and enjoys writing for various blogs, journals and other forums including ISTE, School Library Journal and Publishers Weekly. She has published 4 children’s books about library skills and 8 graphic novels in the series Adventures in Makerspace with Capstone and Cantata Learning. Shannon and Bill Bass recently published a book with ISTE, Leading from the Library.
In 2011, Shannon was awarded the Connecting People Shorty Award and was chosen to be part of the SLJ New Leaders Program in 2012. In 2013, she was named one of the Faces of Innovation from Broadband for America; one of 50 featured in the 2013 Center for Digital Education Yearbook; and one of the featured Connected Educators with the Connected Educators projects partnered with the US Department of Education. In 2014, Shannon was named a Library Journal Mover and Shaker. In 2016, she was awarded the Making it Happen Award by ISTE. In 2018, she was named the AASL Social Media Superstar Leadership Luminary.
And her most favorite roles of all….She is mom to amazing children and lucky wife of Eric’s.
You can find Shannon at @shannonmmiller on Twitter and Instagram and by following her blog,
Shannon will be a featured speaker at GaETC Connect, the new virtual feature of GaETC.
Creative & Meaningful Ways To Keep Students Connected To Learning, Reading, Opportunities and Each Other!
As we look at learning and education a bit differently now, we have developed creative and meaningful ways to keep students connected to learning, reading, opportunities and each other. Join Shannon McClintock Miller for this session as she shares how she has done this within her district throughout the school year, and throughout their remote learning experiences. Shannon will share several different digital tools and apps, resources, places to find connections, and lots of tips for making this happen for your students too. You will leave filled with ideas, a toolbox of resources and a whole lot of inspiration!
Building A Virtual Makerspace! (Let’s Take Our Makerspace Online!)
Lead From The Library With Creative Branding & Marketing!
It is time to lead from the library and you might be wondering how to share that message and your goals and vision with others. With creative branding and marketing you can bring your library story to life, while leading within your school community and throughout the world like never before! In this session, Shannon McClintock Miller will share several branding and marketing ideas that will help you share your library story in memorable, effective and valuable ways. You will explore the why and the how of library branding and marketing, while taking a look at specific tools and examples to communicate your story.
It’s Our Time To Shine! The Difference We Can Make As Future Ready Librarians!
As Future Ready Librarians, it has never been more important for us to show what we can do and how we can shine! In this session, Shannon McClintock Miller will share lots of ways we can lead and support our districts throughout the school year, and through our journey with remote and continuous learning.
Building An Amazing Virtual Library & Learning Space For Your Community
Today’s virtual libraries and learning spaces, need to ignite creativity and curiosity; promote reading, collaboration and inquiry; and foster an amazing community that offers so much to our students, teachers and families while connecting to the world. The virtual spaces we create are also an essential piece of our libraries and schools, especially in the current state and throughout the future. In this session, Shannon McClintock Miller will share how to create virtual library and learning spaces with these characteristics. She will demonstrate creative ways to curate; unique tools to develop online reading and learning communities; digital tools to build collaborative spaces, exciting ways to engage a global community and much more. You will leave this presentation ready to build an amazing virtual library and learning space for your community too!